PhoneVoter Politics Network
Politics - 2016 and Beyond
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Who said, "Elections are futures markets in stolen property?"
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Third Parties with registration over 75,000 members.
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On August 10, 2016 the Reform Party names Roque De La Fuente as their candidate for the office of President of the United States. This puts three rational candidates with significant support into the race.
The number of Americans who are frightened by either one or both of the major party candidates, Hillary and Trump, has been rising over the last weeks.
Gary Johnson, the candidate of the Libertarian Party, is normal, healthy, and reasonable. He is also a former two-term Republican Governor of New Mexico. Jill Stein, candidate of the Green Party, is a level headed medical doctor, a socialist. Roque (Rocky) De La Fuente is a former Democratic candidate for the Democratic nomination was curiously ignored by the establishment despite the fact he is a billionaire and committed to social justice and hard work. This morning he was named as the candidate for the Reform Party.
We are now working to begin a series of dialogs between the candidates, adding the Terrible Two and None of the Above is Acceptable, to make sure we cover all bases.
Today your changes of having a reasonable and non-corporate President increased. Now, we can get serious about real change. Stay tuned!