Shows to Change Politics


Ready to be heard?
Bringing Global Peace
  The status quo in politics today, disturbing to a majority of Americans, as has become intolerable during this campaign year.  Hillary and Trump have the highest unpopularity ratings ever seen and the issues causing these ratings are not based on personalities but on values.  

   Therefore, in alignment with the mission for Hi TV Networks, we are providing programs to shed light on people, problems, and the solutions which never meet the light of day in the main stream media.   This is the logical solution to what we call 'arrested paradigm," caused by the interests who resist having their dirty hands wrested from the centralized control over lives and the human investments in the economy world-wide.     

    Our first show will be Bringing Global Peace, a meeting and hearing ground for the three largest third party candidates, now nominated by their respective parties.  With the cooperation of people from around the world we will examine the causes of conflict and then find paths to a real peace.  

    These debates, dialogs, and exchanges of ideas are desperately needed.  For this purpose the Libertarian Party, the Green Party and the Constitution Party are being invited to participate.

​  These are some of the issues, but we expect more.  

                                             Danger caused by changing climate conditions
                                             The continuing undeclared wars  
                                                The funding of these wars by the US Government 
​                                             The continuing mortgage crisis 
                                                The failure of accountability by these corporations  
                                             The vanishing middle class   
                                             America's deteriorating infrastructure, which endangers millions  
                                             The control of America by corporations  
                                             The abandonment of those at risk by government.  
                                             Women's lack of equal standing under the Constitution
                                             Government assertion of a mandate to determine the terms of                                                                personal contracts.  

    A fusion ticket, combining the most electable elements from the third parties is also being discussed.  Along with issues expect discussions of the ideal fusion ticket.  We promise you these events will not be dull.  

Our second show is titled:

Saving Our World
    The fact is the solutions are simple, accessible, possible if we have the will to take action from the most local level using the technologies now becoming available.  The show will be weekly and hosted by a public figure who will welcome as guests the people who originated the technologies making these changes possible.   Our audience will be able to interact with them and see these technologies demonstrated.   When you walk through the reality you know what is possible and who has been lying to you.     
    These technologies will all be sustainable, allowing an exit from the grid of greed now poised to bring the human race to extinction.  Personally, we prefer learning to respect the integrity of life on Earth and from a stable and sustainable economy, reach for the stars.

And our third show is: 



  This show invites inventors with sustainable solutions into the light to dialog with Angel Investors who understand why these technologies need to be made available immediately.  

If you are an inventor of a technology which has this potential contact us for our third show, Angels, which will begin in November using our CONTACT FORM.      

Think 'Shark Tank,' with heart and the experts who understand every aspect of what has happened to us and to the Earth.